Page 104 - Durapac_2016
P. 104
e 1 2 tensioner instructions i
1) The bolt tensioner is fitted
over the stud
BOLTING SOLUTIONS ? 3 4 3) The stud’s nut is wound down
2) hydraulic pressure is applied
to the tensioner which then
stretches the stud
against the joint face
4) Pressure is released and the
tool removed
1) Reduces the friction converted to preload
during tightening
2) Increases bolt service life Lubricated 40%
3) Decreases bolt failure in threads
during installation
4) higher friction results in Lubricated 50%
less conversion of torque at nutface
to preload
Pressure DBT-20 DBT-35 DBT-50 DBT-60 DBT-90 DBT-130 DBT-160 DBT-200 DBT-250 DBT-310 Pressure
(bar) kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN kN (psi)
100 20 35 50 60 90 130 160 200 250 310 1,450
200 40 70 100 120 180 260 320 400 500 620 2,901
300 60 105 150 180 270 390 480 600 750 930 4,351
400 80 140 200 240 360 520 640 800 1,000 1,240 5,801
500 100 175 250 300 450 650 800 1,000 1,250 1,550 7,252
600 120 210 300 360 540 780 960 1,200 1,500 1,860 8,702
700 140 245 350 420 630 910 1,120 1,400 1,750 2,170 10,152
800 160 280 400 480 720 1,040 1,280 1,600 2,000 2,480 11,603
900 180 315 450 540 810 1,170 1,440 1,800 2,250 2,790 13,053
1,000 200 350 500 600 900 1,300 1,600 2,000 2,500 3,100 14,503
1,100 220 385 550 660 990 1,430 1,760 2,200 2,750 3,410 15,954
1,200 240 420 600 720 1,080 1,560 1,920 2,400 3,000 3,720 17,404
1,300 260 455 650 780 1,170 1,690 2,080 2,600 3,250 4,030 18,854
1,400 280 490 700 840 1,260 1,820 2,240 2,800 3,500 4,340 20,305
1,500 300 525 750 900 1,350 1,950 2,400 3,000 3,750 4,650 21,755